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首页 > 新闻资讯济南猎头公司:猎头的成本究竟有多高?
来源:http://www.shandonglietou.com 发布人:创始人 日期:2024-09-15


  The client's company used headhunting for the first time and felt that the headhunting company's "huge profits" were reasonable: a person came, talked for more than two hours, recommended a person, arranged an interview, and surprisingly charged nearly 150000 yuan! In the eyes of private manufacturing bosses who attach great importance to cost saving, headhunting services have almost no cost except for spending some time chatting, while profits are comparable to drug trafficking. After many twists and turns, the client finally accepted the headhunting consultant's advice: "Chatting may not be valuable, but having the ability to find the right person and chat in the right way is valuable! The service fee was barely recovered in the end, but the thinking about the "huge profits and costs" of headhunting sparked by this incident never stopped588a37e283ade08


  The "accumulation" cost behind the huge profits


  On a specific successful client commission, the job of a headhunting consultant usually involves finding someone, chatting for a day, making a recommendation, following up... and then charging tens of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions; If the cost of headhunting is focused on the actual successful candidates recommended, it will naturally create the illusion of headhunting's "huge profits". This illusion stems from neglecting the accumulation cost of headhunting: spending a lot of time in contact, understanding a large number of potential candidates, establishing connections and maintaining relationships with them, and researching and understanding relevant industry trends. Only by building on these accumulated foundations can headhunters continue to recommend successful candidates, and accumulation comes at a huge cost. When we spread these accumulated costs across every successful commission, the illusion of headhunters' "huge profits" will naturally disappear.


  Necessary 'waste' costs


  Due to changes in the game pattern of supply and demand, the proportion of prepaid services that are charged according to the process is decreasing in headhunting services, while the proportion of postpaid services that are paid only after the results are increasing. This change may appear to significantly reduce the cost of headhunting consultants obtaining client commissions on the surface, but the overall cost will increase significantly because the closure rate (=successful orders ÷ total order volume) will decrease significantly. Although the ability of consultants and the depth of client relationships can lead to significant differences in the closing rate between companies, in the postpaid model, clients can use headhunting services at almost zero cost, which will result in a significant overall decrease in the closing rate. For most consultants, having ten orders per month is not difficult, but maintaining more than one order per month is not easy. In the context of low closure rates, most customers' orders are "harming" you. From the perspective of success or failure of each new order, it is highly likely to waste your time and energy, and increase your opportunity cost; But waste is also necessary, if you don't try, there will be no chance of success. The wasted opportunity costs can only be shared through the service fees of successful orders, so the cost of being a headhunter is actually not low.


  The winner takes all "running" cost

  有结果才付费的做法,有利于客户一单多放,在多间猎头公司的竞争中获益;同一个单子,极端的情况下,客户有可能放给10间以上的猎头公司,有15个以上的猎头顾问同时在做。成功之前,客户大体上是不用承担成本的。但15个顾问工作,是要有工资、社保、福利等人工成本以及房租、水、电、通讯等营运成本的,博弈的结果,是猎头供应商先承担了成本的风险而已。15个顾问可能上100个人选(据说有些大厂,猎头100人,只聘用1人的情况时有发生),15个顾问,100个候选人中,终只有1个顾问的1个候选人成单。服务费赢家通吃,服务费减去赢家的成本,剩余应该较多;但服务费减去15人的总成本,是否还有盈余就不一定了。如果把猎头公司之间由于竞争而发生的彼此“陪跑”成本整体考虑, 猎头业务被误解为“暴利”,实在是冤屈。

  The practice of paying only after receiving results is beneficial for clients to place multiple orders and benefit from competition among multiple headhunting companies; In extreme cases, the same order may be assigned to more than 10 headhunting companies with 15 or more headhunting consultants working simultaneously. Before success, customers generally do not have to bear the cost. But for 15 consultant jobs, there are labor costs such as wages, social security, and benefits, as well as operating costs such as rent, water, electricity, and communication. The result of the game is that the headhunting supplier bears the cost risk first. 15 consultants may recommend up to 100 candidates (it is said that in some large companies, headhunters recommend 100 candidates but only hire 1). Among 15 consultants and 100 candidates, only 1 candidate from 1 consultant ultimately becomes a candidate. The winner takes all in the service fee. Subtracting the cost of the winner from the service fee should result in a larger surplus; But whether there is still a surplus after deducting the total cost of 15 people from the service fee is uncertain. If we consider the overall cost of "accompanying each other" among headhunting companies due to competition, it is unfair to misunderstand headhunting business as "huge profits".

  “高” 收益与猎头顾问的长期职业发展的“机会”成本

  The 'opportunity' cost of long-term career development between high returns and headhunting consultants


  About 20 years ago, I read a survey on the income of headhunting consultants written by the French in the UK. Research has found that for two individuals with comparable overall qualities, the one working in a headhunting company generally has a higher income. Why is that so? The basic conclusion of the research is that high income from headhunting consultants can offset the opportunity cost of the headhunting profession; Because in 10 years, simple headhunting experience will be difficult to support a person's rapid transition to a mid to senior management position in a company. Relatively speaking, the difficulty of someone with mid to senior management experience in a company transitioning to become a headhunter will be much lower. Although this is a French survey 20 years ago, it also has certain applicability to the current Chinese headhunting market: in the headhunting business that is paid by results (rather than seniority), young people with little experience in the workplace but high comprehensive quality who are hardworking will have a greater probability of income than those who go to enterprises. But such a high level is also achieved to some extent through the opportunity cost of future 'narrowing of career adaptability'. If we take into account the opportunity cost of this level of career, the headhunting business may only be a low profit industry.

  本文由 济南猎头公司 友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击http://www.shandonglietou.com     真诚的态度.为您提供为的服务.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向大家奉献.敬请期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from a headhunting company in Jinan. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.shandonglietou.com Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned