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首页 > 新闻资讯猎头成单的PS的精髓的经验分享
来源:http://www.shandonglietou.com 发布人:创始人 日期:2024-02-23

A. 不要把PS当成是一种有固定流程的模式,而是把焦点放在主动专注的精神,以及PS与猎头成单原理的底层逻辑联系上。

A. Don't treat PS as a fixed process model, but focus on the spirit of active focus and the underlying logical connection between PS and headhunting.

B. 组合CSFILL中的不同元素,书面清晰详细地描述自己的Specialization:每个季度,根据现实情况回顾,进行必要的调整修正,同时保证自己有清晰的方向,而非随遇而安地“刺激 - 反应”。

B. Combine different elements in CSFILL and describe your specialization clearly and in detail in writing: review each quarter based on the actual situation, make necessary adjustments and corrections, while ensuring that you have a clear direction, rather than just "stimulus response" as you go.

C. 因地制宜,由宽到窄,逐步聚焦;宽窄适度,保持弹性:专注,往往意味着先舍后得,照顾到现有资源,顾问冒风险的意愿,公司组织能力等多个维度均衡的专注之路,尽管速度未必很快,但持续成功的概率往往更高!


C. Tailored to local conditions, gradually focusing from wide to narrow; Moderate breadth and flexibility: Focusing often means giving up first and getting later, taking into account existing resources, the willingness of consultants to take risks, and the company's organizational capabilities. A balanced path of focus across multiple dimensions, although not necessarily fast, often leads to a higher probability of sustained success in the end!

D. 以猎头成长操作系统为主体,PS精神作为催化剂,避免本末倒置。猎头顾问成长需要系统的技能,知识,资源,并非仅靠主动专注的PS精神本身能。(关于猎头成长操作系统,有兴趣的朋友可以点击查看我在猎聘《大猎论道》分享的《68猎头成长操作系统》一文)

D. Using the headhunting growth operating system as the main body and the PS spirit as a catalyst to avoid putting the cart before the horse. The growth of headhunting consultants requires systematic skills, knowledge, and resources, which cannot be solved solely by the proactive and focused spirit of PS. (Regarding the headhunting growth operating system, interested friends can click to view my article "68 Headhunting Growth Operating System" shared in Liepin's "Da Lie Lun Dao".)

E. 按照三个维度(客户技能,候选人技能,成单技能)梳理出相对应的PS 战术方法。把这些战法与实战中的13个战术环节紧密结合起来。这13个战术环节分别是:4个候选人拓展环节:主动寻访,媒体广告,候选人电话,候选人面试;3个客户拓展环节:客户开发,客户拜访,合同谈判;6个成单环节:职位访谈,报告,客户面试,背景调查,Offer谈判,入职跟进。

E. Sort out the corresponding PS tactical methods based on three dimensions (customer skills, candidate skills, and order formation skills). Integrate these tactics closely with the 13 tactical stages in actual combat. These 13 tactical stages are: 4 candidate expansion stages: active search, media advertising, candidate phone number, candidate interview; 3 customer development stages: customer development, customer visits, contract negotiations; 6 order making stages: job interview, recommendation report, client interview, background check, offer negotiation, and onboarding follow-up.

F. 制定严谨的PS成熟顾问计划:PS的精神的发挥其实对顾问本身的要求较高,需要顾问在知识、技能、资源这几方面综合积累的配合;如同耕地一般:能获取秋天的收成,是因为春天的播种,夏天的浇灌,这是一个持续运作的过程。良好的PS成熟顾问计划,会是一份清晰的行进地图,能极大地提高成功概率。(关于“成熟顾问”,有兴趣的朋友可以点击查看本公众号对应文章 《360度/百万/成熟顾问的交集与差异 vs. 猎头从业者的长期可持续发展》)

F. Develop a rigorous PS mature consultant plan: The spirit of PS requires high demands from the consultant themselves, and requires the consultant's comprehensive accumulation of knowledge, skills, and resources for cooperation; Like farmland: the ability to harvest autumn is due to the continuous operation of spring sowing and summer watering. A good PS mature consultant program will be a clear roadmap that can greatly increase the probability of success. (For "mature consultants", interested friends can click to view the corresponding article of this official account, "Intersection and difference of 360 degree/million/mature consultants vs. long-term sustainable development of headhunters")

G. 成立成长互助小组,从组织KPI驱动到个人成长需求驱动:“明白很多道理,却依然过不好这一生”,这个情形,放在PS顾问成熟的路径上非常适用。猎头工作短期业绩的压力巨大,在业绩压力下,很多效果滞后的成长性支出往往会主动或被动地成为不接地气的形式主义;尤其是当这些成长的要求被组织KPI化之后,更是如此。按自愿的原则成立的互助小组,看似松散,但往往能更有效地把成长需求内化,同时彼此提供良性的外部压力及分享鼓励,这样可能反而会收到更好的实效,同时实施的难度也会更低。

G. Establishing a growth mutual aid group, from organizational KPI driven to personal growth needs driven: "I understand many truths, but still cannot live a good life." This situation is very suitable for the mature path of PS consultants. The short-term performance pressure of headhunting work is enormous, and under the pressure of performance, many growth expenditures with lagging results often become outdated formalism, either actively or passively; Especially when these growth requirements are KPI driven by the organization, this is even more so. Mutual aid groups established on a voluntary basis may seem loose, but they often internalize growth needs more effectively, while providing each other with positive external pressure and sharing encouragement. This may actually achieve better results, and the difficulty of implementation will also be lower.


This article is dedicated by Jinan Headhunting Company. For more information, please click: http://www.shandonglietou.com Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned